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The best ice cream in Pigneto!

"I gelati" these little delights that have inevitably succumbed during a trip in Italy! There is so much "gelateria" that it is...

Les meilleures glaces de Pigneto !

"I gelati" ces petits délices auxquels on succombe forcément lors d'un voyage en Italie ! En même temps il y a tellement de "gelateria"...

Come spostarsi in Roma ?

Come raggiungere il centro storico dall'aeroporto? Quanto costa il trasporto pubblico? Quale trasporto preferire? Tu saprai tutto!

How to move around Rome?

How to reach the historic center from the airport? How much does public transport cost? Which transport to foster? You will know everything!

Comment se déplacer à Rome ?

Comment rejoindre le centre historique depuis l'aéroport ? Combien coûte les transport en communs ? Quel transport privilégier ? Vous sa

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